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About Homila.png


Homila is a custom wix template designed specifically for real estate agencies or brokers. The template is designed with a modern, clean, and elegant style, providing an impressive and user-friendly experience. It includes all the necessary pages for a real estate agency or broker, such as: home, about us, for sale, for rent, cities, news, and contact. All the pages are optimally designed and mobile-responsive, offering users the best possible experience. The homila template is crafted on wix studio with a scientific and structured layout that is both optimal and aesthetically pleasing. The template is easy to customize with wix studio skills, allowing administrators to easily add, modify, or delete components on the page. Additionally, it integrates with wix's built-in cms tools, enabling administrators to add, edit, or delete content simply and quickly. Furthermore, homila includes a contact form, allowing customers to contact the real estate agency or broker swiftly. If you have any questions regarding the homila template, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always ready to assist you....
Język szablonu:English
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