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Stworzone przez Bablic
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Stworzone przez Bablic
Translate your website to multiple languages
Wymagana strona premium

Przegląd - Bablic

    Translate your site to grow - get customers from new countries with minimal effort. Easily translate your site to your visitor's language and boost conversion rate.
    Multi-language Wix translation app - manage your multilingual translation easily with our Visual Editor. Make changes with a few clicks and publish instantly in every language.
    Translate website to sell more - localize your store to gain multi-language SEO benefits. Grow international traffic organically. Translate your website to sell globally.
    Advanced localization tool - localize images, media, and even styling thanks to our Visual Editor, to recreate the best experience in any language and on any device.
Visitors convert better, shop and spend more, and return more often to a website in their own native language. With Bablic you can translate your entire site with no headaches. In your site, Bablic offers your customers a smooth and natural experience by detecting and displaying their native language automatically. This will help reduce bounce rate, increase time on page, and boost conversions and ROI on every product. Bablic is the easy localization solution that will make translating your site a breeze. Thanks to our easy, user-friendly Visual Editor a few clicks will be all you need to achieve amazing results. You can translate every element in your website: images, buttons, popups and more. Your content is key, so Bablic lets you choose the best translation method for you: choose machine translation to save time, professional translation for best quality, or translate yourself or with the help of your team. All translations are 100% SEO friendly, which means you will increase your exposure and visibility in all the local search engines.
Dostępność:Ta aplikacja jest dostępna na całym świecie.
Języki aplikacji:
Możesz przetłumaczyć całą treść aplikacji wyświetlaną na Twojej stronie na dowolny język.
Wymagania dotyczące strony:
- Plan Premium
- Podłączona domena

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Ceny i plany

Ta aplikacja oferuje 14-dniowy bezpłatny okres próbny
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Plan Wix


Unlimited languages
Unlimited traffic and page views
150,000 free machine words
Full SEO support
Porównaj wszystkie plany* Cena jest podana w USD, rozlicza Bablic. Cena przy składaniu zamówienia może się różnić w zależności od kursu wymiany.

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