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Order Notifications

Stworzone przez
Get low stock alerts, order notifications & more
Brak recenzji
7 dni okresu próbnego

Przegląd Order Notifications

Receive email notifications for store events like new orders, low stock products, checkout updates, and more
Set the app to send alerts to you and/or the relevant staff members to take action on time
Schedule or receive real-time alerts for all products or just specific ones
Set low stock alert thresholds to get notified when inventory needs replenishing
Create unlimited admin notifications for important store events and send them to the right staff members — add one or multiple email addresses per alert. Our app triggers alerts for the following events: product updates (created, updated, deleted), checkout activities (created, updated, marked as complete), order statuses (created, canceled, paid, refunded), stock levels (low stock, out of stock), cart changes (created, updated), contacts (created, deleted, subscribed), product collection updates (created, updated, deleted), site properties updates, and fulfillment updates. Tailor alerts to specific email addresses, with one or multiple events per alert, to achieve your business goals. For example, inventory managers may want to receive admin alerts for new products, low stock, or out-of-stock items, ensuring timely restocking. The sales team can get order notifications for specific products or the entire inventory. You can set thresholds for low stock alerts, so you never miss the moment when stock needs replenishing. You can choose to send alerts in real-time or on a schedule, avoiding weekends or out-of-office hours. Keep your team updated and ready-to-act.
Ta aplikacja jest dostępna na całym świecie.
Języki aplikacji:
Wymagania dotyczące strony:

Oceny i recenzje

Ta aplikacja nie otrzymała jeszcze żadnych recenzji, bądź pierwszą osobą, która ją oceni.

Ceny i plany

Ta aplikacja oferuje 7-dniowy bezpłatny okres próbny
Plan Unlimited


Unlimited alerts
All events included
General and product-specific alerts
Scheduled and real-time alerts
* Cena jest podana w USD.

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