No recomiendoConfigurarla es terrible, perdes mucho tiempo y ya de por si la pagina anda muy lenta.
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Candost9/ Oct 31, 2024
Total waste of timeI've lost more than hour to figure out. It only leads to Wix Space's page. I just wanted to change it to my own company's appstore page. It also messed up the template...
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Romysayah/ Aug 19, 2024
Hate itWorst ever app, ive wasted 5 days trying to figure out how to change the link.
zespół Wix
The link to the apps are set automatically from your preferred app in the business manager.
If you have anymore questions, please reach out to
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Isospraytanhair/ Aug 11, 2024
POORthis app needs alot of work done. Terrible and when you down load it to your site it dosen have its own page. Terrible terrible
zespół Wix
Hi, thank you for reaching out and sorry to hear about your experience.
In order to add our app in it's own page, simply click on the pages section in the editor -->...
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Cent40/ Jul 24, 2024
Poor UXImpossible to use. Cna you provide guide of how to update appstore links at least or documentation?
zespół Wix
The link to the apps are set automatically from your preferred app in the business manager.
If you have anymore questions, please reach out to
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