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Password Protected Page

Stworzone przez
Keep Your Content Exclusive
Brak recenzji
Dostępny darmowy plan

Przegląd Password Protected Page

Simple Setup: Quickly and easily protect any page on your website with a strong password
Customizable Access: Grant access to specific users or groups by sharing the password or creating a user management system
Enhanced Security: Protect your confidential information, such as client data, financial reports, or private projects
User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive design makes it easy for both website owners and visitors to use the app
Keep Your Content Exclusive - Protect your sensitive information and create exclusive content with our Password Protected Page app. Easily restrict access to specific pages on your website, ensuring only authorized individuals can view your content. Easily protect any page on your website, Set custom passwords for maximum security, Maintain control over who sees your content Perfect for private portfolios, member-only areas, or confidential information. Protect your valuable content and build trust with our Password Protected Page app.
Ta aplikacja jest dostępna na całym świecie.

Oceny i recenzje

Ta aplikacja nie otrzymała jeszcze żadnych recenzji, bądź pierwszą osobą, która ją oceni.

Ceny i plany

Plan Basic


Easily protect any page on your website Selected design presets Watermark display 24/7 support
Plan Full Access


Restrict access to specific pages
Unlimited Design Presets
Fully Design Customization
Grant access per specific case
* Cena jest podana w USD.

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