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3D Map Terrain
Stworzone przez grinflai
14-dniowy bezpłatny okres próbny

3D Map Terrain

Stworzone przez grinflai
Showcase your locations on an interactive 3D map
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14-dniowy bezpłatny okres próbny

Przegląd - 3D Map Terrain

    Add a 3D map to your site
    Add HTML code to show rich text
    Slideshow image gallery for each location
    Use CSV file to upload and download data
Show your locations in a new way with our 3D map! This app offers a unique and immersive experience for your visitors, allowing them to explore your locations in a stunning 3D map format. With just a few simple steps, you can add your locations to the map and provide your visitors with a visually captivating experience. Each location is accompanied by a slideshow image gallery, giving your visitors a detailed look at what each place has to offer. Additionally, you have the freedom to customize each location's description using rich text in HTML code. Try out the app for yourself by visiting our demo site. * A Mapbox token is needed to use this app, whether you upgrade or use the free trial. Mapbox is a third-party service required for this app to work. Users are responsible for any expenses related to using this service.
Dostępność:Ta aplikacja jest dostępna na całym świecie.
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Ceny i plany

Ta aplikacja oferuje 14-dniowy bezpłatny okres próbny
Plan Starter


Up to 50 locations
Import and export CSV file data
Image slideshow
* Cena jest podana w USD.

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